Sunday, 8 July 2018

The Compound Effect Synopsis 

by Darren Hardy,
the Success Coach

Stop looking for a quick fix to success and happiness, etc., even when your nature is looking for the path of least resistance or a shortcut in life. The reality is that there is no shortcut to success. 

Success is earned one day at a time, one decision at a time, one step at a time, one phone call at a time and one meeting at a time. Every day, since the minute you got out of bed, you are walking either toward success or toward failure.

Knowledge itself is not power. It's only the potential for power. It's not what you know that determines your success but what you DO with that knowledge will.

Don't say to yourself, "I already know that!" Instead, ask yourself these three questions:
1. Am I doing that?
2. Have I mastered that?
3. Would my results prove that I've mastered that?

"People need to be reminded more often then they need to be instructed."
~ Samuel Johnson

A. The root control factor to all of your results in your life is: CHOICES. 

Success is not a result of

1. Heroic feats,
2. Grand acts of bravery,
3. Quantum leaps,


   - small, 
   - seemingly insignificant, 
   - moment-to-moment 

These choices add up to huge results in the end.

Why then people fail and continue to make poor choices?

There are four TRAPS people face daily:

Trap #1: At the time you are making these choices, the consequences are invisible until the compound effect of these choices catches up with you later in life (butterfly effect).

    Solution to trap #1:  You start making hard choices without seeing quickly the positive evidence that will result from these choices. Have patience! Because it will take time in order for these good choices to compound into positive results.

Trap #2:  The change of the trajectory of your life is subtle and you might not see that it is working.
    Solution to trap #2: When you are off the track, you just have to adjust and get back on track. But to do that you have to know where you are. Because people don't fall off their plans, resolutions, goals, promises. They drift. So, where are you now? Check if you are drifting or are you on track.

 Trap #3:  Immediate gratification: we want what we want and we want it now!
    Solution to trap #3: Understand that what gives you short-term pleasure creates long-term pain. And what creates short-term pain, creates long-term pleasure. PICK YOUR SUFFERING!

   "You will suffer one of two pains: either the pain of DISCIPLINE or the pain of REGRET. The pain of discipline weighs ounces, but the pain of regret weights tones!" ~ Jim Rohn

Trap #4:  Everything you hear here from Darren Hardy here is easy to do. But because it is so easy, it's also so easy to neglect. We neglect to do the easy things and that's why we don't get what we want in life.
     Solution to trap #4: Successful and unsuccessful people have one thing in common: they both hate to do it. But successful people do it anyway. It's not because "they like it," but they do it anyway.

You are 100% responsible for your life. Don't look for reasons to justify why you are what you are, why you do what you do, and how you do what you do. That's just excuses.

You are responsible by one of this three circumstances:
1. by what you do,
2. by what you don't do,
3. by how you respond to what happens to you.

B. Behaviour follows choices. What choices you'll make, that's the kind of behaviour you'll display. So how can you change your behaviour?

You need to BECOME AWARE of these behaviours you need to change if you want to be successful.

The challenge with behaviour is that 95% of all of our behaviour is un-conscience. As a survival mechanism, your brain is always looking for ways to automate the processes you engage in.  So, you do need to BECOME AWARE of these behaviours you need to change if you want to be successful.

"If you want to have more, you have to BECOME MORE!" ~ Jim Rohn.

It's not a doing process. It's a becoming process. Success is not something that you pursue. What you pursue, it can elude you. Instead, SUCCESS IS SOMETHING YOU ATTRACT BY THE PERSON YOU BECOME.

Ask yourself these questions:

1. What kind of clients you want to do business with?
    - how do they behave?
    - how do they respond?
    - what is the way they communicate?
    - what are their attitudes?
    - what is their mindsets?
    - philosophies: how will they handle themselves in a transaction?

2. What kind of a business leader/manager/mentor, etc. would they insist on to do business with? Who do I need to become for them to do business with me?

Now, check what's the gap between who you are and how you show up and the description of your future clients?

If you become that person they need, they will find you themselves.

C. Behaviour REPEATED become HABITS.

The outcomes of your life will be the outcomes of your habits. Since habits are learned you can un-learn the bad ones and learn the good ones. Once you get your right habits in place, lock down to continue like that to achieve your success.

Behaviour develops a neuro-signature in your brain. The more it's repeated the deeper it is ingrained. First, these neuro-signatures are like cobwebs in your brain, but after enough repetition, they become as thick as cables. That's why when you are trying to break a habit, it is as difficult as to stop substance abuse.

   Good habits  -->  are hard to create and easy to lose.
   Bad habits  -->  are easy to create and hard to lose.

It takes some 300 repetitions to break a bad habit and to replace it with a good habit, to weaken an old neuro-signature and to build a new one.



1. THE BIG 3
What are your big three goals? These three goals that if you'd accomplish them this year, this would be your best year ever. More than 3 goals will add unnecessary strain on you.

2. There are only 1-3 behaviours necessary for you to achieve these goals.
   1/  ...
   2/  ...
   3/  ...

3. Track it to make sure you don't slip.
Track the time you put into doing these things, and then increase that time for these activities and I promise you, you will be unstoppable.

 E. BUT watch out for this pitfall:  It's not how FAST you START that matters, it's how LONG you LAST. 

It's never about how skilful you are, how experienced you are in what you do, how fast you are in what you do. You can beat everybody if you are CONSISTENT.

That's the one thing that will accelerate the process to success for you.

"The key to success is a massive failure!" ~ Thomas Watson

How much you are willing to fail will determine your comfort zone. People do want happiness and success in their lives. But when given the circumstances where they can experience some pain, rejection and sadness they say "No!" and go right back to their comfort zone. But the truth is that you cannot control how the pendulum of life swings toward happiness and success. You can, however, control the part of how much pain, rejection and failure you will have in life. Once you leave your comfort zone, you will increase the probability of finding success and happiness. 

So, alter your #MINDSET completely! Instead of avoiding failure, pursue it! Have a love affair with failure. Track it. Have a contest on your team, who can get 100 people to say "No!" first this week/month? And whoever wins, gets celebrated! Why? Because the only thing holding you back from your true potential, keeping what you are truly capable of bottled up in you is FEAR. And when you turn fear into fun, the thing you are trying to avoid into pursuing it, the bottleneck breaks and your potential is released and you are truly unstoppable! 

When you look at the greatest successful people, you also will be looking at the greatest failures as well. One cannot happen without the other.

"Do something every day that scares you." ~ Eleonor Roosevelt


Draw a figurative line in the sand. Don't be the same person now after you know what to do.


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